Paid for by Candidate Rainbow Maldonado For City Council
Ashley Herr, Treasurer

Pocatello First

My mission is clear: to lead Pocatello with unwavering dedication, strategic vision, and a deep commitment to the well-being of our community. I will work together with the community to create a brighter tomorrow for all our residents, preserving our cherished heritage while embracing the opportunities of progress.

In our pursuit of this mission, I will focus on several key principles:

  • Community Engagement: I believe that a thriving community is one where every voice is heard and valued. I will actively seek your input and feedback to make informed decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of Pocatello’s residents.
  • Preserving Our Heritage: Pocatello’s unique character and history make it special. I will work tirelessly to safeguard our traditions and culture while ensuring they continue to evolve and adapt to the changing times.
  • Planning for Progress: I understand the importance of responsible growth and development. My vision includes carefully planned initiatives that will promote economic vitality, create job opportunities, and will enhance the overall quality of life for Pocatellans.
  • Transparency and Accountability: I pledge to be transparent in my actions and accountable for my decisions. Your trust is paramount, and I will earn it through honest, open, and ethical governance.
  • Sustainable Future: I am committed to environmental stewardship and sustainability. Together, we will explore eco-friendly initiatives to protect our natural resources and leave a greener legacy for future generations.

With your support and involvement, we will shape a better future you, your children, and your grandchildren in Pocatello, where the strength of our community shines, and opportunities for all abound. Together, let’s make Pocatello the best it can be.

Meet Rainbow

In running for Seat 1 on the Pocatello City Council on November 7, I hope to give back to the community I have loved and served nearly my entire life. I was born in Pocatello and lived in Port Orchard, Washington, for ten years before returning to Pocatello before high school. I’ve called Pocatello home ever since. I offer the citizens of Pocatello a wealth of experience with and a passion for living in Southeastern Idaho. I am currently the community engagement and development specialist for the Government Volunteer Americorps VISTA.

While raising my family in Southeastern Idaho, I have contributed my time, knowledge, and skills to empowering others to reach their individual potential through professional and personal growth. In 2018, I led a community initiative to launch a youth leadership program for high school students through the Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce. Now in its 5th year, the LEAP program promotes leadership skills and the importance of connecting local high school students to their community. I am also one of the Founding Directors of Kind Community, a local non-profit celebrating its 9th year promoting kindness in Pocatello.


My vision for Pocatello mirrors the work I’ve continually engaged in throughout my career. I strive to make Southeast Idaho a better place to live, work, serve, and recreate. My approach prioritizes the needs of its citizens through effective executive management, administrative leadership, public service, communication, stakeholder involvement, and sound management of day-to-day operations.

I believe City Council must build consensus while cultivating a united front to address the predominant issues identified in the City’s 20-year vision. Like the City’s guiding philosophy, I am “Proud to be Pocatello.” Pocatello pride is a shared value embraced by local community organizations, businesses, elected officials, and community members. Making Pocatello a place where its citizens are proud to live and work requires addressing the issues that matter most to our community. High priortiy issues, as identified in public opinion data, are: good schools, thriving businesses, advocacy resources, affordable housing, and sustainable, scalable infrastructure to accommodate growth.

As your representative, I will prioritize leadership, ethical decision making, integrity in my actions, empathy, and the courage of conviction. I pledge to build on the capacity of our local area to pursue economic opportunities while securing the economic future, safety and the quality of life for all Pocatello’s local businesses and citizens.


My community involvement includes:

  • Pocatello-Chubbuck Leadership Graduate and past Board President
  • Bannock Civitan (past President )
  • Gate City Rotary
  • Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber Chiefs
  • Elevate Leadership Committee
  • Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce Legislative Council 
  • LEAP (Learn.Elevate.Achieve.Purpose) committee Chair & Mentor, Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership Group
  • Girl Scouts of Silver Sage past Troop Leader, Troop #724 Bronze
  • Silver and Gold Awards, Scouting Stars Achievement Award (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • East Idaho Delegate Annual Conference 2016-2022 (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • Service Unit Manager (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • Service Unit Community Liaison (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • State of Idaho Board of Directors (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • Board of Directors Development Committee (Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
  • Zonta Club of Pocatello
  • Zoo Idaho Zoological Society Board Member as Vice-President
  • Elks Lodge of Pocatello #674 – Member Benevolent and Protective Order
  • School District #25 Education Foundation Board of Directors
  • SD #25 Key Communicators Network member
  • AAUW (American Association of University Women)
  • PHD6 Community Suicide Prevention Collective.
  • HRAC Human Relations Action Committee Past Chair for the City of Pocatello

Kind Community

Kind Community is a unified partnership of individuals and organizations with projects, goals and objectives embracing a vision for the greater, kinder good of our community…particularly initiatives focused on uplifting our community’s youth. As a regional initiative, the vision for Kind Community is to serve as a place where similar (and even competing) ideas, events, campaigns, projects, platforms, etc. can co-exist. Kind provides one exciting umbrella of unity and proactive engagement to create an alliance where resources can be shared when relevant and relationships can be leveraged for the greater good. Kind builds momentum, continuity and sustainability within our community by celebrating each of our diverse yet collaborative efforts to realize our shared vision for creating a Kind Community.

In 2015, two moms joined forces hoping to make a positive impact on the KIND of schools their children would attend. Now, with a fledgling board and organizing committee, Kind Community pours their efforts into programs that cultivate positive school and community cultures. It’s a regional initiative that encourages individuals, parents, educators, and business, service and community leaders to become active change agents within their own circle of influence. The mission is to provide tools that empower every individual in the community to actively create the environments in which they wish to live, work, play and learn. It’s a collaborative effort in every way. Kind Community programming includes Kind Week, celebrated annually across Southeast Idaho during the third week in September. Kind Community’s founders, board members, committee members and volunteers work directly with community leaders, businesses, education stakeholders and community members, to bring the entire community together in celebration.

“Becoming a part of the KIND Community collectives is not a pledge towards perfection. Instead, it is a commitment to celebrate each of our diverse efforts to uphold and bolster a shared vision for creating programs and experiences that uplift, empower, energize and support our community’s youth and each other”. Rainbow Maldonado

Civic Awards

  • The Mini Howard Award from the Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce (2022). The Mini Howard award recognizes a local woman for her outstanding contributions to her profession, the community and to the leadership exemplified for other women.
  • Volunteer Award Service Unit – Silver Sage (2022)
  • WOMEN OF INFLUENCE – Nominee Idaho State Journal (2021)
  • HONOR KEY AWARD Bannock Civitans (2021)
  • CIVITAN OF THE YEAR Bannock Civitans Heart of the West District Award (2019-2020)
  • OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY Girl Scouts of Silver Sage – State of Idaho (2019)
  • ALUMNI OF THE YEAR Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce (2019)
  • VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Business & Achievement Awards, Idaho State Journal (2018)
  • VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce (2018)
  • WOMAN OF THE YEAR (2018) – Nominee Idaho Business Review
  • BUSINESS & ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Nonprofit Category, Idaho State Journal (2017)
  • NAACP SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARD Kind Community (2016)


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Rainbow Maldonado
Brian Blad
Linda Leeuwrik
Zachary Bartschi – Pocatello Police Union


The Pocatello Police Union

Paid for by Candidate Rainbow Maldonado For City Council
Ashley Herr, Treasurer

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